EU Commissioner Vera Jourová says protection of personal data more than a "European" fundamental right
EU Commissioner, Vera Jourová, told the 37th International Privacy Conference in Amsterdam that the ECJ 's decision in the Schrems case "reaffirms once more that personal data protection is a fundamental right and that it applies also when personal data is transferred to third countries".
The Commission respects the Court's ruling and will abide by it. And so must all stakeholders!" She continued: "Too many Internet users today do not trust the Internet. Two thirds of them in the EU do not feel in complete control of their personal data. Another 42% worry that their online payments are not safe. We must always bear in mind that a strong economy and a thriving society rest primarily on one powerful human feeling, trust. This is why we launched in 2012 the data protection reform. The negotiations are now in the final stages, and I confident that a final result will be reached by the end of this year."