This check establishes if an individual has a criminal record or is prohibited from working with minors.

What does it check?

This check establishes if an individual has a criminal record or is prohibited from working with minors.

This check provides what is referred to as a Model 596-2 Criminal Record Extract for individuals working with children or Modèle 596-2 Extrait du Casier Judiciaire / Uittreksel Uit Het Strafregister. There are three types of extracts in Belgium: • Model 595 which is available for any purpose • Model 596-1 which is available only for regulated roles • Model 596-2 which is available only for those working with children (minors) Model 596-2 is available for the exercise of an "activity under the educational, psychological, medical and social counselling, assistance to youth, child protection, animation or the supervision of minors”. The certificate will contain the following personal information: • Full name • Place of birth • Date of birth • Profession • Nationality • Commune • Address • National number (not the same as ID-card number) The certificate is valid for three months. Categories of criminal conviction in Belgium include (in English, Dutch and French): • Violence against the person (NL: geweld tegen personen FR: violence contre les personnes) • Sexual offences (NL: sexuele delicten FR: les infractionssexuelles) • Burglary (NL: inbraak FR: cambriolage) • Robbery (NL: diefstal FR: vol) • Theft and handling stolen goods (NL: heling FR: recel) • Fraud and forgery (NL: namaak/vervalsing FR: contrefaçon de biens/ falsification) • Criminal damage (NL: vandalisme FR: vandalisme) • Drug offences (NL: drugsdelicten FR: les infractions desdrogue) • Motoring offences (NL: verkeersdelicten FR: les infractions de traffic) Convictions are removed automatically when they become “spent”

Est. turnaround time

1-5 working days

Supported in





Identity document

Data Sources

Ministry of Justice

Relevant Industries