This service assists an individual in obtaining their Thai Criminal Record Certificate as well as validates it.

What does it check?

This service assists an individual in obtaining their Thai Criminal Record Certificate as well as validates it.

This check provides what is referred to as a Police Clearance Certificate. In Thailand, the Criminal Record Certificate can be requested only by the individual and not by a third party (Subject Access Request). We'll guide and assist the individual in making a Subject Access Request (SAR) for the certificate and validate it. If a criminal record is identified, the following information will be provided: • Case number • Charges • Court outcome of the charges (together with the dates and court) • Any sentence imposed The categories of criminal conviction listed on a criminal record certificate in Thailand: • Violence against the person (คดีประทุษร้ายต่อชีวิตและร่างกาย); • Sexual offences (คดีอาชญากรรมทางเพศ); • Burglary (คดีย่องเบา); • Robbery (คดีปล้นทรัพย์); • Theft and handling of stolen goods (คดีโจรกรรมและรับของโจร); • Fraud and forgery (คดีฉ้อโกงประชาชนและปลอมแปลงเอกสาร); • Criminal damage (คดีประทุษร้ายต่อทรัพย์สิน); • Drug offences (คดียาเสพติด); and • Motoring offences (คดีผิดกฎจราจร). There is no obligation for the Thai Police Force to destroy criminal records information. Criminal record information includes the disclosure of historical offences. All criminal records remain until the person reaches 70 years old.

Est. turnaround time

10-15 working days

Supported in





Identity document

Data Sources


Relevant Industries