We'll check to see if an individual appears on the HSE Public Register of Notice History, indicating that they have broken HSE laws.

What does it check?

We'll check to see if an individual appears on the HSE Public Register of Notice History, indicating that they have broken HSE laws.

The results of this search will reveal the type of HSE notice (Improvement or Immedian Prohibition) alongside a description of the notice and any breaches. Please be aware that due to lack of strong identifiers such as an identity number, this search can bring up false positives such as results which bear an individual's name but relate to another person of the same name.

Potential matches are marked 'red'. Results are marked 'green' when Verifile finds no potential matches

Est. turnaround time

1-2 working days

Supported in

United Kingdom



Data Sources

Health and Safety Executive

Relevant Industries

factories, building sites, mines, farms, fairgrounds, quarries, chemical plants, offshore and nuclear installations, schools, hospitals