This check establishes if an individual has a criminal record.

What does it check?

This check establishes if an individual has a criminal record.

This check provides what is referred to as a Private Criminal Record or Privat Straffeattest.

The certificate includes:
  • The individual’s name
  • Address
  • Date of birth
  • Place of birth
  • Date of issue of the certificate
  • A statement that no criminal convictions are found, or a list of criminal convictions
  • The signature of an official
  • An official stamp
A private criminal record certificate contains information on violation of:
  • The Criminal Code: Judgments, fines, disqualifications and indictments with conditions
  • Law on euphoric drugs: Judgments and indictments with terms
  • Weapons and Explosives Laws: Judgments and prosecutions with terms
  • The law of arrest, stay and expulsion: Judgments and omissions with terms of December 15, 2013. (Terms may include not committing a new criminal offence, paying a fine, following a certain place or following a treatment).
  • Foreign decisions for similar offences also appear in the private criminal record if they are registered in the Danish Criminal Register.
Convictions remain on the record for the following timescales: 
  • Fines – 2 years from the date of payment; 
  • Conditional sentences – 3 years from the conviction date; and 
  • Unconditional convictions – 5 years from the date of release from prison. 
No new offences within three years
If the individual has not committed a new criminal offence within three years of the first decision, the first decision will not appear in the criminal record.

New offences within three years
If, within three years from the first decision, the individual commits a new criminal offence that will appear in the criminal record in accordance with the general rules, the first decision will also appear in the criminal record.

Unconditional custodial sentence etc.
This scheme does not apply in cases where the individual has been sentenced to an unconditional custodial sentence, a juvenile sanction or a sentence of treatment. The verdict appears on the criminal record, though it is the first criminal decision.
If the individual receives a waiver with a youth contract, it will not be included in the private criminal record - even if it is not the first criminal decision.

Est. turnaround time

4-8 working days

Supported in

Denmark, Faroe Islands, Greenland




Proof of identity

Data Sources


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