Proposals for ‘compulsory’ references from former employers put forward
The UK’s Business Secretary, Andrea Leadsom, has put forward proposals that could make it illegal for businesses to withhold references for former employees.
The proposals are a bid to stop businesses using ‘nasty tactics’ and protect individuals who have faced harassment or discrimination.
As reported in People Management magazine, Leadsom said the proposals would “ensure individuals are protected, striking a fair balance between the interests of employers and workers”.
Adding, “we cannot tolerate the small minority [of employers] that use nasty tactics like non-disclosure agreements and withholding references to pressure employees into silence, often in cases of serious wrongdoing.”
If agreed, it would mean that for the first time ever, employers would be obliged to provide at least a basic reference for any former employee.
Demand for employment references continues to soar, as more organisations see the benefits of verifying their candidates’ employment history.
Hand in hand, employers continue to seek solutions to automate mundane tasks such as the issuing of reference letters to other employers or lenders.
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