Scottish PVG Scheme Set to Change
After running an extensive public consultation process last year, a new Disclosure (Scotland) Bill is proposing radical changes to the law relating to the disclosure of criminal history in Scotland and the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG) scheme.
Among the proposed changes, we note the following:
- The PVG scheme will become mandatory for anyone working with children and vulnerable people.
- The existing lifetime membership in the PVG Scheme will be replaced with a renewable five-year membership.
- Automatic disclosure of minor criminal offences committed by young persons will end, and decisions whether or not to disclose such offences will be taken on a case by case basis.
- The whole disclosure system will be simplified, reducing the number of different checks available from ten to four.
- There are also different proposals to change the fees for Scottish checks which have not yet been finalised.
This week our CEO, Eyal, along with other lead signatories of Registered Bodies and Regulators will discuss the impact of these changes at the “future of legislation underpinning the Protection of Vulnerable Groups and the Disclosure of Criminal Information” conference in Edinburgh.
Please check our social media for updates on the event. We will, of course, keep you fully informed as further legislation changes unfold.