Form I-9 Verification Process Update
"E-Verify: Employee Re-verification - At present, employers are unable to re-verify an existing employee 's work authorization in E-Verify, and in fact, must not do so.
SCIS is working on developing a re-verification process for E-Verify. E-Verify: Employee Rehire - In cases where an employee is rehired, but did not previously have his or her employment authorization verified through E-Verify or, if verified, did not receive an employment authorized result, the employer must create an E-Verify case for the rehired employee. E-Verify: Correcting Typographical Errors - Where incorrect information is entered while creating a case in E-Verify, the employer will need to create a new case with the correct information for the employee.
If the case is not yet closed, the employer should close the case by selecting the statement, ""The case is invalid because the data entered is incorrect."" If the case is already closed, the employer should make a note either on the E-Verify case details page or on the employee 's Form I-9 explaining that a second case was created because the first case contained incorrect information. Source: Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP"