EU Data Protection Regulation: A Tipping Point Has Been Reached
The proposed EU General Data Protection Regulation will be finalized in 2015. That was the conclusion of leading lights of the EU data protection scene at a standing-room-only event in Brussels on Wednesday. It appears that a tipping point in the negotiations has been reached. The Council of the European Union (the 28 EU member states) needs to finalize its version of the draft regulation before negotiations can enter their final stage, but it has made incremental progress in the last 12 months. Enrico Costa, Italy 's deputy minister for justice, has now confirmed that the Italian Presidency, which runs until the end of this year, intends to present agreed proposals on the public sector and the regulatory one-stop shop (OSS) at the meeting of the Justice and Home Affairs Council (Council of Ministers) on 5 December. If agreement can be reached on these two areas it will represent a remarkable achievement, as these have been seen as insurmountable obstacles to progress.