With this check, we'll obtain an individual's driving records and confirm they hold a valid driving licence.

What does it check?

With this check, we'll obtain an individual's driving records and confirm they hold a valid driving licence.

This check provides what is referred to as a Points Certificate or Certificado de Puntos. In Spain, driving licences have a number of points associated with. As the driver commits traffic violations, points are deducted from the balance, until reaching zero. At that time, the licence is revoked. Through this certificate, the following information will be disclosed: • Whether the licence is valid • Current balance of points • The historical record of lost and recovered points • Date of the change and whether it was for recovery or loss of points • Type of violation • Awareness courses that were taken In general, drivers start with a balance of 12 points. However, new drivers and any driver who gets their licence back after it has been withdrawn start with 8 points.

Est. turnaround time

15-20 working days

Supported in





Proof of identity, Additional requirements

Data Sources

Department of Traffic

Relevant Industries