We'll check whether an individual's name appears in the database of employee violations recorded by companies in the financial services sector. This check is available for all individuals who currently reside or have previously resided in China and draws on records going back to 2008.

What does it check?

We'll check whether an individual's name appears in the database of employee violations recorded by companies in the financial services sector. This check is available for all individuals who currently reside or have previously resided in China and draws on records going back to 2008.

We'll check whether an individual's name appears in the database of employee violations recorded by companies in the financial services sector. 

This check is available for all individuals who currently reside or have previously resided in China and draws on records going back to 2008.


Est. turnaround time

3-7 working days

Supported in





Identity number

Data Sources

Regulatory Commissions

Hit rate


Relevant Industries