This check establishes if an individual has a criminal record.

What does it check?

This check establishes if an individual has a criminal record.

This check provides what is referred to as a Conviction Status Certificate or Свидетелство за съдимост. The certificate contains the following details: • The individual’s full name • The individual’s personal identification number • The individual’s date and place of birth • The individual’s nationality • The names of the individual’s parents • Details of any convictions • The purpose for which the certificate is issued (if this is employment, the exact job title will be indicated) • A stamp and signature of an official Spent convictions will be removed except when the rehabilitation does not erase the consequences of the conviction. Categories of criminal conviction in Bulgaria include: • Crimes against the person (Престъпления против личността) • Sexual offences (Разврат) • Тheft (Кражба) • Robbery (Грабеж) • Handling of stolen goods (Вещно укривателство) • Fraud and crimes related to documents (Измама и Документни престъпления) • Destruction and damage (Унищожаване и повреждане) • Crimes related to the use and distribution of drugs (Престъпления свързани с употреба и пренасяне на наркотици) • Transport and communications crimes (Престъпления по транспорта и съобщенията) Other major categories of offence include crimes against: • the Republic; • the rights of the citizens; • the economy; • the financial, tax and insurance systems; • peace and humanity. Judgments will be removed from a criminal record when: a) The individual is rehabilitated, due to a change in legislation or when awarded by a court of law, and the conviction is erased and other associated consequences are revoked; and b) The sentence has been served and the following periods of time have elapsed: • 20 years - for life imprisonment • 15 years - for imprisonment of over 10 years • 10 years - for imprisonment of between 3 and 10 years • 5 years - for imprisonment of less than 3 years • 2 years - all other instances

Est. turnaround time

1-5 working days

Supported in





Identity document

Data Sources

Ministry of Justice

Relevant Industries