This check establishes if an individual has a criminal record.

What does it check?

This check establishes if an individual has a criminal record.

This check provides what is referred to as a Criminal Record Certificate for Private Use or Sakavottorð (Einkavottorð).

A criminal record is a certificate of the judgments and penalties that a particular person has received before the courts and other specified authorities in Iceland and, as the case may be, abroad, and have been entered in the state criminal record, which the state prosecutor holds.

The certificate contains:
  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Date and place of issue of the certificate; and
  • If there is a conviction the certificates will also include:
    • Date
    • Place
    • Number and details of the conviction

All convictions are listed on the certificate.

A conviction stays on an individual´s criminal record for:
  • 3 years for fines
  • 5 years for conditional sentences
  • 5 years after the sentence is completed, for unconditional sentences

Est. turnaround time

10-15 working days

Supported in





Proof of identity

Data Sources

State Prosecutor's Office

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